Home | Connecting Energies | ROG.e 2024 |
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We are even bigger now: new content new topics more innovation new parallel events more energy

Rio Oil & Gas, one of the world’s leading energy events is transforming… We are now ROG.e.

Come join us to transform and think about the future of the energy sector at the Boulevard’s biggest occupation since the Olympics.

Ready to connect today and tomorrow?

Meet the Speakers for This Edition

Magda Chambriard

Presidente – Petrobras

What is in store for this edition


Yes. One of the world’s leading energy events is changing… We are now ROG.e. More space, more innovation, more energy.
ROG.e 2024 will take place on the Olympic Boulevard, in the heart of Rio de Janeiro, in the largest occupation of the venue.
ROG.e 2024 will be held on September 23, 24, 25 and 26.
Registration for the event opens at 8 am, while the conference starts at 9 am and ends at 6:40 pm. The expo opens at noon and closes at 8 pm.
The best way to get to the event is by public transportation, using the VLT. The entire length of the Warehouses (Warehouses 1, 3, 4, Petrobras 5, Utopia Shell 6 and the Main Warehouse) and the conference can be accessed by Line 1, via two points: – The station closest to the Main Warehouse – which will have the expo and the accreditation – is Parada dos Navios. – The station closest to the conference is Utopia AquaRio. If you choose to get there or depart by cab or car app, the official pick-up and drop-off point for the event is at Av. Barão de Tefé, 34, in the Saúde neighborhood.
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